Pietro Beconcini
Ixe Tempranillo 2016
Toscana IGT
Beautiful ruby color. Take a breath. Cherry, warm spice that envelops you, plum, mineral/slate and a hint of leather. Time for sipping. Again there’s the cherry, plummy goodness. It’s tart and cola with peppercorns and yes my favorite granite. Opens up so smooth. Day two, it’s a juicy sweet (not like a sugar bomb but delicious sweet ) fruit friendly
Pietro Beconcini is the only Tempranillo wine grower in Italy. He found some old vines on his land and with a bit of investigation, discovered they may have been dropped off by ancient travelers. Maybe they were on a pilgrimage or on a trade route. Either way, I’m sure glad they did! It’s like Italy and Spain had a baby. Each sip makes me want to be sitting outside in a bar in Spain, but then also reminds me of long ago when I was studying in Cortona, Italy. Man, how my drinking days have changed. Back in the early 90s in Cortona, between classes we would grab a bite and as students do, grab a cheap beer, known as Splügen. Ah for the simpler days.
Pairs with Cheez-Its: It makes the wine have a darker feel. It’s delicious yet I can feel the good funk. Oh this is so good in bed with the cats snuggled near.
@pietrobeconciniwines @docwineshop @docwinebarny @worldbyglass @cheezits #wine #workingfromhome #pandemic #covid19 #worldbyglass #pairswithcheezits #cheezit #needmorewine #italy #spain #Tempranillo #Toscana #Tuscany #beer #cortona