A Natural Stomp

Tinto Uno 2016
Ribeira Sacra
Lugo, Spain
Mencía 85%, Garnacha Tintorera 10%, Godello 5%

A beautiful glass of heavy purple. Here goes the first breath…mineral and cherry. Let it do it’s thing for a bit and then chocolate, green pepper, and pretty spring flowers. Now on with the show, this one is a smooth operator from the very first sip. Cherry, strawberries, blueberries, and then here pops in olive pit, salt with a bit of earthiness and maybe, just maybe, burnt sage. No, I’m not going all hippie and cleansing the place, even though after WFH for at least 9 weeks, this place could probably use it. This is a juicy friendly wine that makes my brain cry out, “Why can’t I be at a bar or at least with friends sharing this wine! This is a velvety wine that needs to have people together and cheering it!” Also check out the Tech Notes from Mission‘s website. I love the idea of the grapes being stomped underfoot.

Pairs with Cheez-Its: mellows it all out and heightens the cheese in the Cheez-Its. Makes me want to keep drinking more, which I did way too fast. Oof.

 @mission.wine @docwineshop @docwinebarny @worldbyglass @cheezits #Mencía #Garnacha #Godello #RibeiraSacra #lugo #spain #wine #workingfromhome #pandemic #covid19 #worldbyglass #pairswithcheezits #cheezit #needmorewine #zacharyelfman #organic #Sade

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