Trve Brewing Co.
World’s Blood
High Plains Ale
Denver, CO
Golden ale fermented in oak with spontaneous microbes
5.7% abv
Acquired at Sugarburg
A fuzzy gold pour. Letting it air out a little and then there’s lemon, tangerine, hoppiness, something yeasty and should I say bretty. Time for the sip. Whoa, this baby is lemony tart, then celery, yeasty (yeah, I’m talking like what was sprinkled on the free popcorn from my college dive bar days), refreshing, and super early green tart apple. There’s some funk, but I embrace it. The more I drink, the tart levels out a bit, but it is still there. Also some fresh green and dried white pepper. Honestly, this wild ale feels like a sour. As Trve says on their site, “Our beers may or may not exactly adhere to any particular guidelines – we’re style blasphemers and category agnostics – but you can count on the fact that we’ll always brew damn good beer.”
Pairs with Cheez-its: tones back the acid tart
For a heavy metal brewery, this isn’t exactly pairing with a metal song for me, but it’s a sharp sour fun summer beer. Since it’s not working with metal for me, let’s lean in to the industrial side: Revolting Cocks “da ya think I’m sexy”
@SugarburgNY @sugarburgbk @trvebrewing #beer #ale #sourale #sour #wildale #beerstagram @cheezits #cheezit @worldbyglass #needmorebeer #pairswithcheezits #denver #colorado #revoltingcocks