Mae Son
Orange 2021
Müller Thurgau
Organic, biodynamic, hand-harvested
Povo, Trento, Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy
Owner & winemaker: Matteo Furlani
Project is a collaboration with Matteo Furlani’s other label Cantina Furlani, Claudio Coronato, and Jenny & Francois Selections
Warm shining orange-gold amber. Give it a little space, let it breathe, and scents start growing of orange blossoms, honeysuckle, oranges, limes & light grapefruit, fresh picked apples and their blossoms, river rock mineral and a shake of salt. Sipping and there’s oranges, limes & their zest, mild grapefruit, apples, and the mineral & salt combo again. So delicious and chuggable.
Pairs with Cheez-Its: Nope, nope, nope
Whenever I see a wine that’s picked by Jenny & Francois Selections, it’s an instant buy for me. They always find fabulous winemakers to work or collaborate with on projects…like Matteo. He originally grew up in a wine family so it’s in his DNA, and he followed that up with studies in oenology & agriculture. When time came for him to take on the family’s vineyards in the Dolomites, he established Cantina Furlani that in total has 14 ha, but 6 of them were used for grapes to sell, but Mae Son changed that course starting in 2022 with their wines that sing “location, location, location”. They’re also wines with heart as depicted in the very well thought out label by John Shirk (J & F sales rep) that echos the same locale sentiment with a road sign similar to what can be found in their mountains, and is also “a tribute to the importance of family and family work, as well as the careful craftsmanship of their wines. The name is a playful nod to the beginning of each family member’s name: M for Matteo, A for his wife, Annalisa, and their daughter, Alessia, and E for their son Edoardo. The pronunciation further sheds light on the intimate story behind the label: in English, it’s pronounced ‘my son,’ while in French, it can be read as ‘maison,’ meaning ‘my home.’” See full of ❤️
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