Commune of Buttons
Gloria 2019
100% Pinot Noir
Organic, biodynamic, indigenous yeast
Basket Range, Adelaide Hills, South Australia
Winemakers, owners & farmers: Sophie & Jasper Buttons (sister & brother)
Shining ruby with purple splashes. Ooh what’s that waving at my nose…strawberries, cherries, some forest floor with a dash of cardamon, and then back to blossoms. Tasting strawberries ( both ripe and green), cherries…and oddly a little of a cherry starburst (over time), lemon (fruit & zest), a splash of mandarin orange, red currants, and a pinch of white pepper. Just remember give it a little breathing room…don’t crowd it…a little extra space and time is a good thing.
Pairs with Cheez-It’s: yummy
Jasper and Sophie came back not to get into winemaking but to revitalize their parents’ farm. Well..sometimes life just throws you a new route. You know how the saying goes, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade”, and in their case it brought them grapes and influence & knowledge from natural winemaker Anton van Klopper, so then hey, make organic/biodynamic wine! Not only did they make wine but Jasper was voted in as the 2016 Best New Act at the Young Gun of Wine Awards. Guess they were really fast learners and got into the rhythm of the vines to the cellar. Also in 2016, they branched out past the farm to become a partner in the restaurant/wine bar and communal conversation place, “The Summertown Aristologist” which added on their “Cellar Door” in 2020, where you can do a wine tasting and if you like, take some home. Sounds like they are keeping quite busy in a beautiful way of life. 🍷
#wine #vin #vino #葡萄酒 #ワイン #winestagram #instawine #worldbyglass #cheezit #pairswithcheezits #PinotNoir #SouthAustralia #Australia #adelaidehills #communeofbuttons #thesummertownaristologist @vinewinenyc @commune_of_buttons @cheezit