Red Bluff 2020
Contra Costa County
Montepulciano 50%, “hodgepodge” field blend 50%
Sustainable, own-root vines, dry farmed
Clarksburg, CA
Winemaker: Matt Cline
A glass of chilled shining ruby. Fresh scents emerge of strawberry and bright cherry…next up as it opens is a mellow cherry Twizzler smell or raspberry jelly beans (light and not overpowering), and at last a tart tingle. Oh this is delightful to sip (don’t gulp even though you want to because this is waaaay easy to drink). There’s cherries, strawberries, cranberries, a pinch of dark like a cherry pit and a splash of tart with a blade of grass. This is a joyfully juicy, zingy, and big beautiful blended kiss! 😘
Pairs with Cheez-It’s: darn perfect
Matt Cline has had his hands in the vines for decades such as Cline Cellars, Trinitas Cellars, and Three Wine Company (with his wife Erin), and through it all he has been dedicated to a love for old vines. Contra Costa’s history of these ancient growths stems back to Italians, Spaniards, and other immigrants bringing over their rootstock that wasn’t hit by phylloxera. Budwood is Matt’s project celebrating these historic grapes and the old steamboat named “Red Buff” ‘that carried farmers and grapevine budwood through CA’s Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta’. Also side note, he’s the grandson of Valeriano Jacuzzi…yes that Jacuzzi family.
#wine #vin #vino #葡萄酒 #ワイン #winestagram #instawine @worldbyglass #cheezit #pairswithcheezits #sustainable #Montepulciano #redblend #fieldblend #dryfarmed #dryfarmwines #Clarksburg #CA #contracostacounty #MattCline @docwineshop @docwinebar @cheezit