Milan Nestarec
Youngster 2020
Morava Red Wine
Zweigelt, Cabernet Sauvignon, Dornfelder
Organic, biodynamic, unfiltered, unfined
Velké Bílovice, Moravia, Czech Republic
Winemaker: Milan Nestarec
Deep goth purple ink. Breathing in cherries, blueberries, and a good whiff of tangy. Here comes raisins, black currants, just picked green pepper mixed with tomato plants (not just the leaves but the whole funky plant), and fresh tilled earth. First sip and it’s full of grab the bull by the horns life! Tart plums, cherries with skins pits and all, rhubarb with a few sprigs of hay (Hey, you can take the girl out of the country, but you can’t take the country out of the girl), and it’s juicy. There’s also blackberries, currants, and black pepper. It’s a fun scramble jumble! Wait, I wonder what my tongue looks like. Good grief it is very, very purple. This “Youngster” is full of surprises!
Pairs with Cheez-It’s: Oh for all things sacred…DO NOT TRY
After you have a chance to taste any of Milan’s wines, please go to his incredibly well designed website. No one breaks it all down quite like he does. Instead of going on about being artisanal and natural (shhh…which he is), he’d rather just call it normal, and his wine “everyday regular normal”…or as he says “no bullsh*t”. I love it when people just tell it like it is and also have a tongue in cheek sense of humor. You have the real honest deal here. Even down to his “Annoying But Mandatory Age Verification Pop-up” that asks, “Are you legally old enough (according to your country’s laws, that is) to say ‘Hold my beer’?” 🤣
Btw Milan’s friend and colleague, Lukáš Čech & his family, lost their house due to a tornado on 6/24. The pics are heartbreaking. Milan is such a caring man, he has set up a fund to help them rebuild: My heart goes out to them.
#redwine #Moravia #CzechRepublic #wine #pairswithcheezits #vinho #vino #vin #worldbyglass #cheezit #Nestarec #vinewinenyc #葡萄酒 #ワイン #wineinfluencer #naturalwine @vinewinenyc @milannestarec @jennyfrancois @cheezits