“Reverse Migration”

Santa Tresa
Rina Russa 2022
Frappato Terre Siciliane IGP
100% Frappato di Vittoria
Organic & biodiverse
Sicily, Italy
Stefano and Marina Girelli (brother & sister)

Bright shining light cherry. There’s scents of cherries & blossoms, lilacs, raspberries, strawberries (and their caps & greenery), a little cola, and light orange zest. Tasting cherries of all sorts & tart ones too, raspberries, young strawberries, drop of blackberry, citrus bend & zest, tart dark & bright plums & pits, and it’s all just full of a lively spirit.

Pairs with Cheez-Its: brings out a smooth depth

Stefano & Marina, originally from Trentino, along with generations of their family in the wine business, fell for Sicily (in particular Vittoria) and as they called it they did a “kind of ‘reverse migration’ of coming from the North to the South, rather than the opposite way round”. Now not only do they have Santa Tresa but also Azienda Agricola Cortese. Brother & sis saw Sicily as a welcoming community built through history of differing cultures/countries that colonized, mixed, meshed and each contributed to the language, dialects, dishes, and the arts of all forms…and also in its wines. They celebrate the local grapes, reignite forgotten ones, work with traditions & still experiment to breathe new life into others, and let the land tell its unique tales through their bottles. ❤️

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Art The Sicilian Way

Cantine Madaudo
Sicilia Illustrata series
Passione Siciliana
Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG
Nero d’Avola 60%, Frappato 40%
Vittoria (RG), Sicily, Italy
Madaudo family winery (4 generations strong)

Stained glass shimmering cherry. Breathe and in floats cherries, plums, raspberries, and not fully ripe strawberries. Tasting a tart cherry start then blackberries (seeds and all), a good swish of cranberry juice, tangy plums, a touch of tobacco (no I don’t chew, but I have had my share of cigars), and as it opens dried cherries too. Fresh, awake and alive and a bit juicy but dry at the same time.

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: nah

“Sicilia Illustrata” is a beautifully depicted bottle series of 4 wines and 1 Spumante Brut (check them out on their site). Not only do you have a wonderfully crafted wine but also a piece of art from the creatives, Lelio Bonaccorso & Tonino Donato to add to your collection. The blend of the native grapes and the visuals weave and capture glimpses of Sicily, and honestly fascinate me even more to raise a glass to this enchanting island in person. Cheers! 🍷

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Let Nature Speak and Love it Back

SP68 Rosso 2019
Terre Siciliane IGT
Frappato 70% Nero d’Avola 30%
Vittoria, Sicily, Italy
Organic, biodynamic, dry farming, guyot and Cordon-spur trained, hand-harvested, and native yeasts
Owner and Winemaker: Arianna Occhipinti

Bright, light Christmas tinsel garnet. Just opened the bottle and there’s buttery that fades, roses, flashy cherry, plums, strawberries and cherry starbursts. Sipping cherries, raisins, strawberries, raspberries, and old school orange that in the holidays, your mom would make you cover in cloves and hang in the kitchen. There’s also white pepper, earthiness/darkness and a smooth dry finish. It’s a bottle full of life that could use a steak with chimichuri sauce.

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: brings out more berries like blackberries and blueberries

This is my second Occhipinti (see post) and Arianna is a true wine whisperer. Her respect for every aspect…from the land and whether it’s on an incline, the climate, the vines, the local yeast, and the list can go on and on…is so reverent. She just listens to nature, gives all of it love and care, and let it also do its own thing. She truly loves Sicily and especially her part of world, and she says it best on her site, “Vittoria, wine, vineyard, dry stone walls. This is my land. Early in the morning the sun rises on the Iblei Mountains, while the sky turns red in layers and the warm light spreads amongst the rows of “Fossa di Lupo”, my district. I love the grapes of these places, Frappato and Nero d’ Avola. I feel myself in their expression, in being harmonic and unequal. I love the strength of the know-how to bring in the past and the future at the same time”. I’ve never met her, but through her words and wines, I feel like I am feeling and experiencing just a touch of her land, and honestly it makes me feel so warm in my heart.

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A Liquid Postcard

Cantine Chessa
C’era Una Volta 2017
Vermentino di Sardegna DOC
Usini, Sardegna, Italy
100% Vermentino
Sustainable farming, indigenous yeasts
Winemaker: Giovanna Chessa

Deep gold skin-contact orangey. Breathing in honey and honeysuckles, smoke, melon, pear, and hazelnut. This is definitely an invitation to an enchanted evening of wonder. Tasting and again honey, smoke/a touch of oak, melon, and ripe pear. There’s also something mineral that I believe is white pepper. This is glorious! We need a choir hallelujah here!

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: bright melon and pear and lighter honey

Giovanna Chessa has woven a delightful dream with “C’era Una Volta” which translates to “Once Upon a Time”. She is truly such an amazing winemaker. Loving the four day skin-contact and also that she lets the spontaneous indigenous yeasts work their magic at first in stainless steel and then later in used French barrels, so it lets the grapes sing. Or as Giovanna says, “The bottle is a liquid postcard” that can transport you to Sardegna, and learn the history of the land, the grapes and her story. Also the label captures the beauty and fairytale of this wine. It even won a silver medal at the MUSE Design Awards for Redfish Adv and Sara Pilloni. If you’re inspired and want to find out more about Sara’s art, check it out here.

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Strawberry Swing

Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG 2018
Chiaramonte Gulfi, Ragusa, Sicily, Italy
50% Frappato, 50% Nero d’Avola
Organic and dry farmed
Winemaker: Vito Catania

Deep reddish purple yet glistening light sparkles. Beautiful berry fragrance, cherries, prunes, and delicate tiny flowers. Sipping strawberries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries (ok this is a lot of berries), prune which is more rich as it warms, and some tart yet becomes more velvety. There’s some earth, but also keeps stays light with a dry tingle. Oh, and this is also a wine you can give a little chill.

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: berry goodness

The depiction of the passion that Eros and Psyche found in the end of their mythical soap opera tale, is found on almost all of Gulfi’s bottles and branded on their barrels. That same passion comes out in Vito Catania’s wines and his love and dedication to the land. Started with inheriting land from his father, and then over time further expanding. Vito invested a lot of research into the history and vines, and started working with Salvo Foti to sort which would be the best soils for his dream. Now Gulfi has grown to (from what I am finding) 70 hectares. I would so love to find out more about the winery, but their site is undergoing a revamp. Looking forward to when it’s back up, and I can learn more. In the meanwhile, let’s enjoy another modern mythical strawberry romance tale.

@docwineshop @docwinebarny @gulficantina @selectedestatesofeurope @cheezits #cheezit #wine #worldbyglass @worldbyglass #needmorewine #pairswithcheezits #Chiaramonte #Gulfi #Ragusa #Sicily #Italy #organic #coldplay