More Than Wine

Cantine Statti
Lamézia DOC
40% Gaglioppo, 40% Greco Nero, 20% Magliocco
Lamézia Terme, Calabria, Italy
Antonio and Alberto Statti

Deep dark goth ruby. Scents of rich cherry, dark plums, a touch of raspberries & strawberries, baker’s chocolate, marigold blossoms, and a light bit of fenugreek & I think a smidge of toasted anise. Sipping and everything I’ve been smelling is right here on my tongue along with a more of a juicy bit of cherries, plums & berries, squeeze of citrus blend on the back, and that baker’s chocolate starts to go into just lovely dark chocolate

Pairs with Cheez-Its: just makes everything bigger

Since the 1700s the Statti family (Baron Statti) has resided & worked on these lands (500 ha), but it took Antonio and Alberto to instigate making wines from their own grapes (local & international) in their 100 ha of vineyards which leaves 400 more ha to enjoy and nurture with olive & citrus groves, and cows for dairy, natural fertilizer for the vines, etc. They also blend tradition with modern…working in sustainable ways and using renewable energy such as biogas, etc, and some of this goes over my head as to how it actually works but they have “Photovoltaic panels are set up on the roofs and a trigeneration system comes into operation to cover the company’s heating needs” (article on La Repubblica by Alessandro Gassmann). They work with their neighbors for more “processing by-products” to turn into biogas and “thus creating the conditions for developing a network model in which it is possible to share operating machines and equipment, invest together and manage common agricultural land. And last but not least, hiring all staff permanently and not just seasonally, guaranteeing dignity to workers and professionalism to companies. This is how the Cauro Agricultural Network was born , which today has 55 businesses, 500 cultivated ha and over 120 engaged families.” They’re doing good for their neighbors, the region and even the world.

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What A Wonderful World

Cantine Benvenuto
Zibibbo 2021
100% Zibibbo di Pizzo
Calabria Bianco IGP
Organic, sustainable, hand harvested, native yeasts
Francavilla Angitola, Italy
Giovanni Benvenuto

Yellow green shining light. Sniffing and wow! There’s melons (honeydew with a bit of cantaloupe & more), pears, peaches, lemon soda & citrus blend with a touch of tangelo, a whole bed of flowers including a heady bit of wisteria & magnolia, dusting of vanilla/Oreo cream filling, and a lovely lush & lingering memory of a night filled with amore. All of those scents are there in the taste but a bit more festive & floral with a musky melon, a cream feel evened out with that citrus lemony lime-arita zing with a salty rim, and a gentle touch of our old cool spring house (sans salamanders). Just so good!

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: crisps it all up so depends on your mood

Zibibbo di Pizzo has one passionate champion and protector in Giovanni Benvenuto. After his studies in agronomy, he returned to his grandfather’s land and treated it (and still does) in the natural reverent way it deserved…going organic and sustainable. He’s also joined in his/their cause with a few other growers/winemakers (aka “I vignaioli dell’Angitola”) to resurrect, rebirth & keep this ancient grape (Zibibbo) flourishing. Honestly if there was a fan club for this grape, I’d be more than happy to join because this wine is flirtatious, romantic, just makes me so happy, and reminds me that beautiful experiences like this show me that we do live in “What A Wonderful World”.

#wine #vin #vino #vinho #wein #葡萄酒 #ワイン #winestagram #instawine #pairswithcheezits #cheezit #winelover #winetasting #wineislove #winetime #organic #sustainable #worldbyglass  #Italy #whatawonderfulworld #NickCave #ShaneMacGowan #Calabria #Zibibbo #jandamorewines @cantinebenvenuto @docwinebar @docwineshop

You Can Be Born Again

Le Quattro Volte
Bifaro 2019
80% Malvasia, 20% Mantonico
Calabria IGP
Organic, sustainable, sheep grazed and fertilized, and a member of Vinnatur
San Marco Argentano (Cosenza), Calabria, Italy (seriously breathtaking beautiful!)
Winemaker: Daniela De Marco

Deep orange gold (60 day skin contact) that is darker at the top and flows down. Has some unfiltered goodness. Reminds me of copper plates from my printmaking days. Before we get any further, don’t over chill. You’ll lose some of the beauty, especially in the scent department…trust me because I did on one of my glasses. There’s orange blossoms, wisteria, strawberries, a little greenery of parsley or grass, also orange/tangerine/grapefruit funk, and hay. Now lets get to the sip…oranges, lemon, and then it hits with apple pear cider with that lovely tanginess. Next up is light grapefruit that makes me think IPA but not overpowering, an herb like cilantro that fades, salt and then here’s that natural hay again popping in and out. Delightful!

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: mmm mellow and yum

Le Quattro Volte was not so long ago known as Masseria Perugini. There was a revamp of members, so a name change seems fitting. They’re now a power quartet of Daniela De Marco (winemaker), Giampiero Ventura and Emilio Di Cianni (agronomists), and the newest addition…Dario Brunori (aka Brunori Sas) whose song is now their moniker. He was inspired by the beautiful film or should I say a true work of art, “Le Quattro Volte” by Michelangelo Frammartino. Dario’s lyrics fit so well, “You can be born again, and then, be born again one more time, if you feel like it.” These four partners in wine are bringing that bit of rebirth to this beautiful, hilly, ever so natural and established piece of the world.

#LeQuattroVolte #naturalwine #winelife #wine #vino #vin #葡萄酒 #ワイン #cheezit #organic #sustainable @worldbyglass #pairswithcheezits #wineinfluencer #winestagram #Malvasia #Mantonico #Calabria #Italy #DarioBrunori #BrunoriSas #steephillwine @lequattrovolte @docwineshop @docwinebar @steephillwine @antosicurezza @cheezits