Butter and Spice and Everything Nice

Clos du Tue-Boeuf
Vin Rouge 2019

Bright glistening ruby color. Remember when you were a kid, and had a Ring Pop and felt special. That’s the color. First sniff is butter and spice. Next comes cherry and raspberry tart funk that is airing out with a little pepper. Now as for the taste, it starts off tart cherry, plum, raspberry, salt, light tiny flowers dancing and smooth. Full flavor. Bitter stone. As time goes by it becomes a sweeter more full wine. Still sleek and silky youngster with a tart end. Easy drinker.

Pairs with Cheez-Its: same as above but smoothes out even more. More flowers. Bitter touch is gone. I think it even brings out a spice…cardamom?. Definitely enhances the salt of the cheez-it. I’m going to get so fat doing these. 

@closdutueboeuf @docwineshop @docwinebar #wine #workingfromhome #pandemic #covid19 #naturalwine #france #loire #gamay @worldbyglass #worldbyglass #closdutueboeuf @cheezits #pairswithcheezits #cheezit