🎶Won’t You Be My Neighbor🎶

Noël Bazin
Blanc des Blancs
100% Chardonnay
375 ml
Villers-Marmery, Champagne-Ardenne, France
Noël and Magali Bazin and their son Hugo

Light straw gold with active fine bubbles. Floating up are scents of a french bakery like croissants, brioche & even fresh baked baguettes, butter cream frosting, baked pears & that Poire Williams smell, apricots, apples fresh & baked, and a teeny squeeze of lemon way in the back. Slowly sipping and it’s so crisp. There’s a lemon/lime sparkle along with a touch of Lemonhead candy, as time goes by there’s the apples & pears waving from far away but they keep venturing closer, the before mentioned bakery goodness, a lick of limestone, and a shake of salt. So delicious!

Pairs with Cheez-Its: really really good!

The Bazins sound like the type of people you’d love to have as neighbors. On their importer’s site (Vom Boden) they’re described as incredibly nice & kind, normal, devoted to spending a lot of time in their vineyard, and probably not of the hipster bent with a record collection and tattoos. Well, my view of that changed when I clicked on their IG and boom, there’s tat pics but they adorn the next generation…Hugo. Take a look for yourself, and you’ll see a man totally into the vines & all the hard work and passion that Noël & Magali have for their 3 ha (25 plots) and also their beloved champagne. Bet he’d make a great neighbor too because who wouldn’t want fabulous bottled bubbly just steps away. 🥂

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Créé Avec Passion

Croix d’Irval
Premier Cru Extra Brut
Pinot Meunier (primarily), Chardonnay, Pinot Noir
Sustainable, indigenous yeast, hand harvested
Coulommes la Montagne, Marne, Champagne, France
Owner & winemaker: Jean Servagnat

Golden with tiny very active bubbles tracing geographic patterns on the surface. Once the cork is popped elegant & rich/savory fragrances flow out. There’s biscuits/scones (maybe even almond scones), a soft blend of cherry, raspberry and dark plums almost heading toward dried, and a warm toasty vibe. All of the scents are in the taste joined with a squish of citrus, Marcona almonds, and a savory dry toasty depth that makes you feel special. Comfortably festive and romantic!

Pairs with Cheez-It’s: crisp & delightful

Créé avec passion (created with passion) greets you when you first visit Croix d’Irval’s site. Reminds me of a quote by Elle Woods (“Legally Blonde” don’t judge I can see you shaking your head….)if you want to see why see below*. “On our very first day at Harvard, a very wise Professor quoted Aristotle: ‘The law is reason free from passion.’ Well, no offense to Aristotle, but in my three years at Harvard I have come to find that passion is a key ingredient to the study and practice of law — and of life.” Jean Servagnat has incredible passion for Pinot Meunier. He’s one of the few growers in Champagne making that grape his home grown star in his own label bottled creations. Hey, he even left a life in finance to follow that dream, and when you taste his bubbly, you’ll know what a wonderful thing that is for the rest of us that have a chance to experience his artful collaboration with nature.

*After 9/11, due to my job, my office was temporarily relocated out of state due to our building being damaged…very damaged…and holed up in a hotel for a very long stretch. “Legally Blonde” was one of the happy movies accessible to us, and I kept it on repeat. Was a good end to the day(s) of wondering where life would take us and you know what…I still love it.

#wine #vin #vino #葡萄酒 #ワイン #champagne #champagnepremiercru #bubble #winestagram #instawine #worldbyglass #ellewoods #aristotle #cheezit #pairswithcheezits #Marne #France #JeanServagnat #CroixdIrval @steephillwine @antosicurezza @docwineshop @docwinebar @cheezit