Stillwater Artisanal/AZ Wilderness
Stillwater Is Nothing Big Bunny Is Everything Stout*
*AZ Wilderness approves this message
Imperial Chocolate Milk Stout
8% ABV
Brewed & canned in Stratford, CT
Stillwater Brewer and Owner: Brian Strumke
Dark deep chocolate espresso with a half inch tan head. Wow the aroma of chocolate, chocolate, chocolate! Both milk and dark. Also espresso and a toastiness. Drinking in more dark chocolate but there is milk too. It’s also kind of like a baker’s chocolate cookie which I love to eat. Deep coffee/espresso and I’m talking good espresso that you get in Italy or even at Cafe Zurich in Barcelona. They make a fabulous one. Back to the beer…I’m getting a bit of hazelnut too. Absolutely delicious, and I don’t want to put my glass down.
Pairs with Cheez-It’s: surprisingly it only makes it a bit bitter, so if you like it bitter, then go for it.
This is my second Stillwater. First was their Extra Dry Sake Style Saison which is a complete polar opposite to the Bunny but they both are consistently fabulous. This chocolate bunny is not like the type you get in your Easter basket, but I wouldn’t mind it if it was. It’s a much greater quality. It’s like trying to compare one of those minis that you get around Halloween to a great Belgian dark chocolate truffle. Awesome collaboration with AZ Wilderness too. Now, I have to track down one of their non-collabs around here.
@stillwater.artisanal @azwilderness @BeerBoutiqueInc @twelvepercentbeerproject @cheezits #stillwater #brianstrumke #beer #stout #chocolatestout #chocolatemilkstout #cheezit @worldbyglass #nomad #pairswithcheezits #stillwaterartisanal #arizonawildernessbrewing #CT #AZ